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in I have a screenshot by (4.6k points)

This afternoon I modified the Windows 8.1 default installation path in regedit, and then when i tried to open any type of image, it gave this error message:

There was a problem starting D:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\PhotoViewer.dll

The specified module could not be found.

1 Answer

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by (21.2k points)
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Best answer
This is because you changed the default value of windows program files installation directory in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" with regedit tool.
If you did so, you will encounter more strange problems, like:
  • Your IE is missing or not work
  • You can choose any installation directory when install a software, but finally you will find that they always go to the same dir - C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86)
  • It prompts that AX control can't show errors when browsing BBS, etc
  • ....
Just change back any values you have modified, and check others, make sure they are default, as follow (%ProgramFiles% ==C:\Program Files):
  • CommonFilesDir - C:\Program Files\Common Files
  • CommonFilesDir (x86) - C:\Program Files\Common Files
  • CommonW6432Dir - C:\Program Files\Common Files
  • ProgramFilesDir - C:\Program Files
  • ProgramFilesDir (x86) - C:\Program Files
  • ProgramFilesPath - C:\ProgramFiles
  • ProgramW6432Dir - C:\Program Files

Why we can not change this regedti value to DIY, please see the Microsoft's explanation:

Microsoft does not support changing the location of the Program Files folder by modifying the ProgramFilesDir registry value

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